People think in binary ways — things must be black or white, yes or no, etc. Left to the media and Hollywood, one would believe there’s only room for a handful of actors of color, anchors or journalists, one or two top actors or singers. It is hardly representative of this country’s population, which, according to the US census, is approximately 13% Black, 18% Hispanic and 6% Asian.We should collectively and continually strive to do better when it comes to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice. The more options we have, the better.
When it comes to business, there are the obvious major players who dominate an industry, and often this makes it difficult for smaller companies to compete. However, we should not be overly reliant on Amazon, Google, Apple, etc. The implications should those company’s fail could be catastrophic. There can and should be multiple companies that provide solutions to society’s everyday issues and needs.
Stock photography is dominated by the likes of Getty and Shutterstock. However, newcomer pocstock aims to be the go-to destination for stock photos featuring the beautiful hues and positive experiences for people of color specifically. In this interview with Tony Effik of Black & Brilliant, pocstock founder and CEO Steve Jones talks about needing more competition in the industry, and how that goes a long way toward shaping positive media perception.